Tuesday, April 12, 2011

DOVES Assist First Holy Communion Classes Tour the Sacristy

Key to the Tabernacle
Picture Taken by Marianna
The Students in the First Holy Communion Class had a mini-retreat
and were invited to tour the sacristy.
Ms. Beth showed them how to layer the chalice.
They learned about the monstrance and the sacrarium and were able
to see the Mass vestments the priests wear.
The DOVES were very helpful in showing how to layer the chalice,
and in explaining what they do in the sacristy, and how they pray before coming into this work.

A Child's Wish
by Abram J. Ryan

I wish I were the little key
That locks Love's Captive in,
And lets Him out to go and free
A sinful heart from sin.

I wish I were the little bell
That tinkles for the Host
When God comes down each day to dwell
With hearts He loves the most.

I wish I were the chalice fair
That holds the Blood of Love,
When every flash lights holy prayer
Upon its way above.

I wish I were the little flower
So near the Host's sweet face,
Or like the light that half an hour
Burned on the shrine of grace.

I wish I were the altar where
As on His mother's breast
Christ nestles, like a child, fore'er
In Eucharistic rest.

But oh, my God, I wish the most
That my poor heart may be
A home all holy for each Hour
That comes in love to me.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Altar Candle Base Wax Removal
These plates are the base to the candles on the sides of altar.
Ms. Beth taught us to freeze them for five minutes before scraping off the wax.

We open with a 'Memorare' for our Parish Priests.

Polishing Patens
We apply brass remover, rinse and then polish.
(We have seen the altar sons checking out their reflections in them
and practicing what looks like Morse code on the Church ceiling!)

Service Project
The DOVES are offering a basket for the auction,
taking place in May, to help raise funds to repair the school.
We chose a back yard bird-feeder theme.

Thanks to all the DOVES and sacristans
who participated in donating to this basket,
and especially to Ms. Angelina and Mary Clare for designing it.

Our Angelus Bells went off at noon, thanks to Ms. Sarah's cell phone chime,
so the mothers and daughters were able to close
with this beautiful prayer of the Church.

First Sunday in April~4th Sunday in Lent 2011
DOVES at work

Ms. Cynthia taught the DOVES how to apply seven layers to Father's Chalice
1. Purificator
2. P
3. Large Host
4. Pall
5. Coporal
6. Chalice Veil
7. Crucifix-blessed with a kiss.