Thursday, September 15, 2011


(Photo taken in Rome, May 2010 by Sharon Willoughby)

Saint Peter's Basilica High Altar, Rome Italy
The Baldachino Altar
Where Masses are offered by Pontiff throughout the Year
Saint Peter's Basilica, Rome, Italy

~The Ciborium~

A sacred cup-like vessel that holds the Hosts once they have been consecrated.
It is similar to the chalice but covered and larger,
used to distribute Holy Communion to the faithful.
It is also used
to keep the consecrated particles
of the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle.
Like the chalice and paten,
it must be made of a precious metal and consecrated by a bishop.

The interior is commonly gold or gold-plated.

Its distinguishing feature from the chalice is that it is raised in the middle,
so that the remaining blessed particles may be removed easily.

Also synonymous with the
as the dome shaped permanent canopy over a high altar,

supported by columns and shaped like an inverted cup.

Modern Catholic Dictionary
Fr. John A, Hardon, S.J.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

DOVES and Father Vaccaro September 3rd, 2011 Workshop

"The Privilege of Being DOVES"
September 3rd, 2011 First Saturday
Workshop with Father Vaccaro

Father visited us with an important talk entitled,
"The privilege of being DOVES"

"The most important work we can do is the work of DOVES",
Father began to a very attentive group of daughters,
who were so eager to answer his questions about what it is the DOVES exactly do.

Meghan responded that we 'prepare for the Mass'.
Theresa added that 'we get the chalice ready for Mass'.
Father reminded us to remember to place the Tabernacle key
on his chalice so that he is able to open the tabernacle before Holy Communion.
Father impressed upon us that the work of the DOVES is the work of being close to our Eucharistic Lord and serving His real presence before, during and after the Holy Mass.

Marianna mentioned how 'we clean and iron the linens for the Mass'.
Father reviewed with the daughters why the names are so special for each of the linens.
The corporal is the larger cloth placed on the altar where the bread and wine are consecrated. The purificator is the cloth placed over the chalice.
Father asked why the linens are cared for differently and in such a special way.
Marianna answered that our Lord may be on them because He is there,
'Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity'.

Avila offered that 'DOVES pray!'
Father added that when DOVES pray before and after Mass together,
we model to the parish community the importance of preparing our hearts and minds
before the Mass; as well as,
offering thanksgiving after Mass, for the gift of our Eucharistic Lord. He reminded us of that we should 'pray the Mass', to come early and to leave late.

Father mentioned the importance of coming to Mass dressed to see our King.
When he mentioned dressing modestly, the daughters agreed enthusiastically.
Marianna mentioned how sometimes we may have an emergency that prevents us
from dressing well, but that is not very often.
Father encouraged DOVES to not serve if they are ever faced with such an emergency
that would keep them from preparing and dressing in dignity for Mass.

Kaitlyn also offered how 'we clean the Adoration Chapel' once a week.
So many mothers and daughters have been gathering all summer on Fridays to clean the chapel and replace the sanctuary candles that surround the Monstrance.

Most importantly, Father spoke about how DOVES work with the holiest of things,
because what we handle and serve are the closest materials that are near to our Lord.
The Chalice only holds the Consecrated Species of our Lord.
The duties of the DOVES express our interior love of God.
All that we do is based on our love of God.

Before Father completed his talk,
he invited the us to consider three important ways of serving and growing as DOVES:

Firstly, when we come forward to offer our thanksgiving after Mass, invite other daughters from other families who are not DOVES to come up and pray the 'Anima Christi' with us.
Remembering to bring our 'prayer companions' so other daughters may read along with us would be helpful. Also, we are hoping to make little, 'Anima Christi' cards to give to any daughters we invite.

Secondly, when we go to the sacristy to assist after our prayers, to remember to move purposefully and silently. Leading others by example will help keep the sacristy quiet so that the priest may complete his time in prayer, while we serve.

And most especially, when we offer our prayers before Mass, we should offer a special intention for that Mass. If we do not have any we can think of, we may ask him and he will give us an intention for the Mass. Kaela offered that her 'mother is going to have a baby so that is going to keep her busy for a while', as a prayer intention.

Our time together ended with the Angelus, lead by Father at noon.
The daughters shared their Oreo cookies with him, and he in turn, practiced removing the center perfectly without effort! We all had such a blessed time together hearing from our good shepherd, Father Vaccaro. He promises to come each First Saturday, as his schedule permits.

Mass of the Sacred Heart
First Friday, September 2nd, 2011
DOVES offer the Anima Christi prayer of Thanksgiving after Mass

Mass of the Sacred Heart
Altar Sons

August 28, 2011
Commitment Sunday
Inviting parish mothers and daughters to join the DOVES