Monday, June 6, 2011

D.O.V.E.S. Paten Gifted to our Parish

Engraved on the Underside of the Standing Paten

Welcome New DOVES

First Saturday June 4, 2011

Our First Saturday was a blessing to those who were able to attend.
Father Duesterhaus came to receive the paten
that the daughters have gifted to our parish.
The daughters continue to care for all that surrounds our Eucharistic Lord,
including the patens.
The daughters shared how the paten is there to
receive any small particles of our Eucharistic Lord
during Communion.

We then polished the other patens
and chipped the wax off the candle holders.

During our time together,
we discussed the Prayer Companion
and why we are working
on our daily prayers and examination of conscience.
This is a gradual work that mothers and daughters share with family time,
whenever that may be.
We discussed how we use the opportunities to pray
when possible in the life of the family.

Whenever two or more are gathered in His name,
He is in our midst.
Even in the car, that prayer may happen!
One mother has her prayers
taped on the dashboard in her car,
for her children to learn while they
make their commitments outside of the home.

We have learned from the Saints
the importance of prayer
to grow in the life of faith and works in the Lord.
Mother Theresa of Calcutta teaches us:
"The fruit of our work, as well as the ability to carry it out, comes from prayer.
The work we accomplish is the fruit of our union with Christ."

Blessings, in †heir Hearts,


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