Thursday, July 14, 2011

July 12th, 2011 Feast of Saint Veronica One Year Anniversary

The National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa

The National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown, Pa

Fr. Frank Pavone incenses the altar during Mass

The Rowley DOVES

Dr. Gianna Emanuela Molla Speaks

On This Feast of Saint Veronica, we traveled to Pennsylvania
for the celebration in honor of
the first United States visit of Dr. Gianna Emanuela Molla.
Fr. Frank Pavone offered the Mass at the Shrine in honor of her visit.
Many of the DOVES have a special devotion to Saint Gianna, as she is
the Patron Mother Saint of our Home School Group.

It is with an expression of gratitude to our parish priests
that we celebrate our first anniversary of the DOVES ministry.
We continue to grow in our prayer life daily
and when we come to Mass together.

Our work as apprentices to the sacristan ministry has fostered
our desire to grow in our understanding of the Mass, as we serve.
Meeting on Fridays to clean the Adoration chapel
and servicing the linens provides us opportunities
to also serve our parish, in small, hidden ways.
Our First Saturday workshops
continue to enable us to gather for prayer,
catechesis and the polishing of the patens and candle stick holders.

We move into our next year with the joy that comes
from knowing, loving and serving our Lord,
through the patronage of Saint Veronica.

I am providing the website where you may
read about the Veronica Veil
that is venerated in Manopello, Italy.
The image on the veil is especially captivating.

Prayer to Saint Veronica

St. Veronica, you gave Christ a towel on His way to Cavalry

Which He used to wipe the Precious Blood from His Holy Face.

In return for this great act of kindness He left you His most Holy image on the towel.

Pray for us to Our Lord that His Holy Face may be imprinted

on our hearts so that we may be always be mindful of the Passion and Death

of Our lord Jesus Christ, through the same Christ our Lord,


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