Thursday, July 29, 2010

Daily Examination of Conscience Eight Beatitudes Through the Faith of Saint Veronica

“O, that I had wings of like a dove!

I would fly away and be at rest.”

Psalm 55:6 Song of David

~Daily Examination of Conscience~

A Meditation on the Eight Beatitudes

Through the Love and Faith of Saint Veronica

1. Blessed are the poor in spirit;

theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

As Saint Veronica saw Our Lord,

poor in body and spirit on His way to Calvary,

she desired to offer Him the richness of her love

with all that she had to give, a simple cloth.

Have I been attentive to others

who are in need of love and understanding?

Was I helpful and patient toward those in need?

Have I been satisfied with what I have

and what my parents provide for me

without comparing what I have to others?

Have I expressed my gratitude to my parents

for all they do for me?

2. “Blessed are the gentle;

they shall have the earth for their heritage.”

Saint Veronica witnessed the cruelty of the soldiers,

as they harshly forced Our Lord

to carry the cross on His way to Calvary.

‘Gentleness is love when faced with provocation’. (Fr. Hardon)

Have I acted toward others with charity and humility,

without sharpness,

without becoming impatient with their shortcomings?

3. “Blessed are those who mourn;

they shall be comforted.”

As Saint Veronica moved through the crowd,

her desire was to comfort Our Lord

by wiping his wounded,

bleeding face with a cloth.

Have I comforted those who are sorrowful by

being present to them in their hour of sadness?

Have I offered my sorrows to the Lord this day,

in order that He may provide me the spiritual strength

to remain firm in my hardships,

thus helping me to grow closer to Him through of my trials?

4. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst

for what is right: they shall be satisfied.”

Saint Veronica knew that what was happening

to Jesus was wrong.

She longed to reach him and

offer him the comfort of cloth

as an expression of her faith in Him.

'Those who hunger and thirst for what is right

are those who want what God wants.

God always gives a deep spiritual joy

to those who do His will In spite of trial and difficulty’. (Fr. Hardon)

He left an image of His face on a cloth

for Saint Veronica to discover,

so that she would have a way to remember Him always;

and in turn, a sacred ‘forget-me-not’

to all those who would follow in His ways till the end of time.

Do I want what is right for my family and me,

even if it means I have to sacrifice for that?

Do I offer my crosses to the Lord,

so that He may help me understand

how much He loves me for wanting to do what is right?

5. “Blessed the merciful:

they shall have mercy shown them.”

Saint Veronica’s strength of compassion

moved her through the noise and chaos of Calvary,

to offer the merciful cloth to the wounded face of Jesus.

Have I been willing to relieve the suffering of others

by listening to them in their suffering?

Have I offered sacrifices and prayers

for those who are suffering in my life?

6. “Blessed the pure in heart: they shall see God.”

The image of Jesus was imprinted

on the cloth that Saint Veronica offered

in love.

The name given to this woman of faith,

Veri+icon, means ‘true image’.

Do I cloth myself in a way

that preserves the true image of Christ in me?

Do I dress to preserve my own worth in its true light,

as a daughter of God, at all times?

7. “ Blessed the peacemakers;

they shall be called the children of God. “

Saint Veronica labored to bring a peaceful expression

of love to the suffering Christ,

in the midst of an enraged multitude.

‘Peacemakers are those who love peace and labor

to establish peace all around them:

they try to heal discord between people

and especially to seek to reconcile sinners

who are estranged from God.

Peace is the tranquility of order.' Fr. Hardon, S.J.

Do I try to keep a sense of order in my own life?

Do I assist with keeping order within my own home?

Do I frequent the Sacraments of

Confession and Holy Communion

to keep spiritual order in my soul?

Peace is the calm that accompanies agreement of human wills,

and is the foundation of every well-ordered society.

The rewards promised to peacemakers

are the grace now of being specially loved by God

as His dearest children and the attainment of heavenly glory

as part of God’s family in eternity.’ (Fr. Hardon)

How have I tried to be a peacemaker in my own family

when there are conflicts?

Do I get the proper rest, nutrition and exercise

so that I may be physically prepared

for the trials that may come into my life?

8. “Blessed are those who are persecuted

in the cause of right;

theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.”

Saint Veronica suffered for her love and faith,

despite the intentions of popular opinion

that would lead to the brutal death of Jesus on the Cross.

'All those are persecuted in the cause of right

who are opposed and criticized for their loyalty to Christ

and His Church and who persevere in doing God’s will

in spite of not being accepted or even being rejected by others.'

(Fr. Hardon)

Do I spend time studying my faith,

through spiritual writings and catechesis,

so that I may witness to the hope

that is within me since the time of my Baptism?

Christ teaches the humanly impossible doctrine

of accepting persecution

with patience and resignation to God’s will

while the world dreads nothing more

than criticism and rejection.

Human respect, which means acceptance by society,

is the world’s moral norm.

The reward for suffering persecution on earth

is the possession of the kingdom of God in Heaven.’ (Fr. Hardon)

Do I offer daily prayers, faithfully,

to strengthen my relationship with Christ

so that I may be prepared to witness to truth,

within God’s permitting will?

Quotations from the catechesis of Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.

Servant of God

Reflections written by Sharon M. Willoughby

Copyright © 2010


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