Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Daughters Prayer before the altar Crucifix

DOVES Prayer Before the Altar Crucifix before each Mass when serving as a sacristan.

Your handmaid is here, O Lord,

to serve in preparing the sanctuary for the Holy Mass.

Many pilgrims are preparing now to come to this holy place.

I pray that they are granted Your peace and mercy,

so that they may arrive safely,

prepared to participate fully

in the Eucharistic sacrifice of the Mass.

As our priest is preparing us to receive You Lord,

grant to him the grace of touching the hardest of hearts

during this Holy Mass

and in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

May all who serve in ministry for this Holy Mass

be inspired to the fullest expressions of faith, hope, and charity.

May this Sacrament of the Eucharist prepare me,

to receive the grace and gift of repentance;

the nourishment and strengthening of my soul;

and the sacred awareness

of Your Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament.

Glory Be…


Remember to approach the Holy Water font

as you enter the main part of the Church.

'This is a sacramental blessed by a priest,

invoking God's blessing on all who use it.

Blessed water is a symbol of spiritual cleansing,

and its use is advised in moments of physical danger

and against temptations from spiritual enemies.

It is common practice to dip one's fingers in holy water

and reverently make the Sign of the Cross

as one enters a Catholic church,

and it is recommended for use in the home.'

Modern Catholic Dictionary, Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.

Remember to always genuflect

toward the tabernacle when approaching the altar

and before entering the pew

as an act of Adoration reserved for the Lord.

Written by Sharon Willougby

Copyright ©2010

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