Saturday, July 10, 2010

D.O.V.E.S Sacristan Ministry Begins July 12, 2010 at Our Lady of Angels

DOVES Visitation to our Sacristy hosted by our mother sacristan

The D.O.V.E.S. ministry began at our parish on Monday, July 12th, 2010,
the memorial feast day of Saint Veronica.
Daughters who have reached the age of reason,
after having received the Sacraments
of Baptism, Penance and Holy Communion,
are invited to serve as Sacristans, under the patronage of Saint Veronica.
Through the witness of Saint Veronica, as she served to comfort our Lord
during His dolorous way to Calvary,
Veronica's daughters will serve the 'Calvary of the Altar,
by preparing the altar for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass;
by caring for the Sacred Linens commissioned for the Holy Mass;
as well as, attending to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel for Adoration.
The Daughters of Veronica will prepare for this stewardship
through catechesis, prayer and devotion to the Sacramental life,
under the priestly spiritual direction of their parish priests.

This work is lovingly dedicated to our daughters.
May they always serve as joyful, handmaids of the Lord.

Written by Sharon M. Willoughby
Copyright © 2010

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