Tuesday, July 27, 2010

'Soul of Christ' Thanksgiving Prayer After Mass before the Altar Crucifix

Soul of Christ
Prayer of Thanksgiving after Mass

(This prayer carries a partial indulgence.)

Soul of Christ

Sanctify me.

Body of Christ,

Save me.

Blood of Christ,

inebriate me.

Water from Your side,

wash me.

Passion of Christ,

strengthen me.

O, Good Jesus,

hear me.

Within Your wounds,

hide me.

Permit me,

never to be separated from You.

From the wicked foe,

defend me.

At the hour of my death,

call me.

And bid we come to You,

so that with Your Saints,

I may praise You.

Dominus Deus et Deus Meus.

My Lord and my God!


'A plenary indulgence may remove

all the temporal punishment due to forgiven sin.

No one but God knows for certain

when a plenary indulgence is actually gained,

because only He knows whether

a person's dispositions is adequate.

One norm for such dispositions is that

"all attachment to sin, even venial sin, be absent."

If these dispositions are in any way less than complete,

the indulgence will be only partial.

The same provision applies

to the three external conditions

necessary to gain a plenary indulgence;

sacramental confession, Eucharistic Communion,

and prayer for the intentions of the Pope.

If these conditions are not satisfied,

an otherwise plenary indulgence becomes only partial.

These conditions may be satisfied several days

before or after the performance of the prescribed work,

though preferably Communion should be received

and the prayers offered for the Pope

on the same day as the indulgenced work.

A plenary indulgence can be gained only once a day.'

Modern Catholic Dictionary; Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.

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